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China’s Security Landscape: Balancing National Security and Technological Advancements

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has called on his top national security officials to think about “worst-case” scenarios and prepare for “stormy seas” as the ruling Communist Party hardens efforts to counter any perceived internal and external threats. This renewed emphasis on national security comes at a time when China’s security and surveillance industry is also focused on shoring up vulnerabilities to outside actors, particularly the United States, while grappling with the risks posed by hackers, advances in artificial intelligence, and pressure from rival governments.

“The complexity and difficulty of the national security issues we now face have increased significantly,” Xi stated, underscoring the need for bottom-line thinking and worst-case scenario planning. This call for heightened security measures aligns with China’s ongoing efforts to modernize its national security system and capabilities to effectively combat emerging challenges. Xi emphasized the importance of constructing a national security risk monitoring and early warning system, enhancing national security education, and strengthening data and artificial intelligence security management.

China’s pursuit of self-reliance and technological advancements is evident in its focus on AI technologies. However, concerns about the potential risks associated with AI, including fraud, hacking, and disinformation campaigns, have prompted Chinese academics and industry leaders to explore ways to address these challenges. The Security China exhibition in Beijing showcased China’s efforts to combat such risks, displaying technologies aimed at securing systems against hacking and deceptive media generated by AI.

While China has made significant progress in AI technology over the past decade, its relationship with the United States has become increasingly strained, leading to restrictions on technology access. The United States’ efforts to limit China’s access to cutting-edge technology and the rise of geopolitical tensions have pushed Chinese tech firms toward self-reliance. China now faces a dilemma: whether to rush into embracing AI and potentially fall prey to its pitfalls or proceed cautiously, risking falling behind the United States.

China’s focus on national security extends beyond technological advancements. Xi’s comprehensive national security approach covers various aspects of governance, including politics, economy, defense, culture, ecology, and cyberspace. This approach has led to the introduction of legislation to protect against perceived threats, such as counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, cybersecurity, and data security laws.

As China strengthens its national security apparatus, tensions between China and the United States persist. The differing approaches to technology and security make cooperation challenging. However, experts argue that international cooperation is essential in addressing the common risks posed by AI and other emerging technologies. Balancing security concerns with technological advancements remains a complex task for both China and the United States as they navigate the evolving landscape of global geopolitics.

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