Asante Cloud

For Attorneys

You practice LAW and need IT to “Just Work”

87% of small businesses have customer data that could be compromised in an attack. Cyber-attacks have evolved and are now focused primarily on small to medium law practices, not the big firms. A Ransomware attack is very serious for reasons below and what is especially concerning is your client’s information being compromised. Here are some sobering reports from Forbes and Above the Law Read Here Read Here

But Everything's in the Cloud? It is important to understand that being “in the Cloud” with Office 365/Gmail can increase your exposure and your IT provider, or commercial firewalls/antivirus probably do not have you protected. “For all cloud deployment types, you are responsible for your data and identities.”
- Microsoft Documentation for M365 Products

What to Expect After an Attack
Complete shutdown of business operations
Data loss may be temporary or even permanent
Client personal data stolen and possibly sold on the dark web; Client, State, and Feds will need to be notified Financial loss from ransom, remediation, disruption and downtime

“Cybersecurity firm Coveware says small and midsize professional services firms, especially law firms and financial services firms, are most at risk from ransomware attacks because of their lack of cybersecurity preparedness, apparently because they think they’re too small to be targeted.”

In 2020 alone, there were over 700,000 attacks against small businesses, totaling $2.8 billion in damages. The solution to make sure you have your data is immutably backed up with industry leading Ransomware solutions from Asante Cloud such as Cohesity or Veeam. These solutions are easy to implement, surprisingly cost effective and can be a monthly OPEX expense. A Typical Ransomware Attack Easy, Cost Effective Solution The most common attack vector to gain access to your systems is through email — including M365 Exchange Online and Gmail, and is also referred to as Business Email Compromise. 75% of SMBs could not continue operating if they were hit with ransomware.
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